Orthodontic Treatment Options for Children
As an orthodontist, we offer various types of treatment for patients depending on their needs. While we may recommend orthodontic treatment as early as 8 years of age, we may also recommend the child wait until more
permanent teeth grow in. Three treatment options that we offer, occurring at various stages of a child’s development include:
- Space Maintainers
- Braces
- Orthodontic Retainers
Space Maintainers
Believe it or not, a child’s teeth need to fall out at specific times to make way for the permanent teeth. However, decay, oral infection and accidents are surefire ways to speed up the process. The downside to this
is that a baby tooth falling out early leaves a gap that the permanent tooth is not ready to fill. The other teeth can begin to shift closer together and take up the space of the incoming tooth.
A space maintainer is an orthodontic device that can help to keep the space open for the teeth to grow in. We will customize this device to the child’s mouth, choosing between a removable or fixed appliance. After adjusting
to the device in a few days, the child will also have to make other changes to their diet and oral hygiene routine.
We can go over all of this with the child and adult during an appointment. The child may then wear braces or receive a different orthodontic treatment once more of the permanent adult teeth grow in.
Another treatment option for straightening teeth is traditional metal braces. While there are other removable options for straightening teeth, such as clear aligners, braces are the most effective option for children.
Braces are sturdy metal wires and brackets that we attach to the teeth. We can adjust the wires and brackets over time to gradually pull the teeth into the proper position.
Braces can also consist of different materials that blend in with the shade of teeth more closely. However, each type of braces may require different levels of care. In some cases, patients may wear braces at two separate
times in their life with a gap of time between both sessions.
Children will most likely wear braces for a year or almost two years. The length of time will vary per the child’s teeth.
Orthodontic Retainers
Orthodontic retainers are a customized device that can help to prevent teeth from shifting back into the wrong position after straightening treatment. A retainer can be removable or fixed. The patient will have to learn
how to take care of it. In some cases, a child may only need to wear the retainer at night.
Call us and schedule an appointment for your child to receive professional orthodontic care and a consultation today.